Byron Bay

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Nov 24 11 In Byron Bay Today

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If The Mist Fits, . So there we have it, yes folks we did receive a daily reprieve from the northerly airstream, in Byron Bay today. The wind swung to the southwest in the wee hours of the morning bringing rain, cooler air, and a fine mist that just kept everything wet between downpours, in the bay. The water was absolutely icy for these climbs, yet that's not surprising after all that wind. But there were some small, brown, dribbly utterly powerless and occasionally clean little waves. Doesn't sound too inviting huh, well it depends on how you see it. This time of year, any day that's offshore in the bay, is a bonus, and despite the lack of swell it was offshore all day. So yeah it was chilly and kind of wet and misty and grey and not particularly exciting. But the crew decided to just toughen up, get grateful and make the most of it anyway. I mean really what else is there to do. We reckon if the mist fits, wear it,.